This is the PRO add-on for User Wallet Credit System
You can download the free version of User Wallet Credit System by click here.
Pro Features:
- Ability to customize buttons and UI elements.
- Ability to load wallet with a custom amount instead of set amounts.
- Add funds globally to all users.
- Setup auto loading funds for new account (new).
- Transfer funds from one user to another.
- Extended the plugin to be more developer friendly.
- Access to premium plugin support.
- Better WordPress Multisite Support.
- More control
- Custom Deposits
How to install this add-on
Once downloaded, you simply install this pro version add-on plugin along with User Wallet Credit System.
How To Use:
The plugin is set up not to list the credit bundles (products) in the store with other products. It is recommended that when you are offering users the ability to purchase products, that they do not have anything else in their cart.
Show Current User Wallet Balance:
[uw_balance display_username="true" separator=":" username_type="display_name"]
- display_username = (true|false) – Show username next to balance
- separator = (:|-) The character separating the username and wallet balance.
- username_type = (display_name|first_name|last_name|full_name)
Display a table containing the bundles (credit product) and “Buy Now” buttons:
Displaying custom deposit amount form:
[uwcs_dynamic_deposit_template button_text="Confirm Amount" description="Describe what the user is doing" default_amount="27.00"]
Display user history for adding funds
Transferring Funds from one user to Another
User Wallet Credit System Pro now provides a PHP function that can be easily used to transfer funds from one user to another.
<?php $transfer = uwcs_tranfer_funds( $user_user_id, $to_user_id, $amount_to_tranfer ); ?>